It’s Garlic Mustard time again! We are starting early this year due to another mild winter – I have already seen first year rosettes popping up. Thank you for your efforts during last year’s unusual pulling season. This year we will bring back some of our garlic mustard traditions, but we ask those participating to still be mindful of health and safety guidelines during the ongoing pandemic. While we encourage residents to pull in their own yards, we will also be offering a list of locations around town that need your help! See all details below:
Neighborhood Pull Season
April 11 through May 31. Venture out and pull Garlic Mustard!
Free Paper Leaf Bag Distribution
Ongoing at Conservation and LLCT Offices
Courtesy of the Lincoln Garden Club
Drop Off – Monday-Friday from 7:30am to 3pm
Drop paper leaf bags behind the DPW on Lewis Street (near cell tower)
Pick Up – Now through May 31st
Contact the Conservation Department for pick up
781-259-2612×8129 or
New this year:
Help us out by signing up to pull at one of our conservation areas! You choose the date and time
We are offering a list of locations for folks who are feeling adventurous in their free time. LOCATIONS WILL BE REMOVED BASED ON SIGN UP NUMBERS
(Please note that you are responsible for bringing your filled bags to DPW after you pull)
Sign up at:
Participate in the Nature Groupie Garlic Mustard Challenge
“The Garlic Mustard Challenge is a collaborative effort to restore and protect natural ecosystems across the Midwest and Northeast.”
At-home Disposal Options*
If you wish to keep your garlic mustard season contactless, here are some things you can do at home:
Create a “tarp sandwich” – identify an area in your driveway or on your lawn to lay down a piece of tarp or any plastic sheet. Then, spread your garlic mustard across the tarp/plastic and cover with your second piece (you can use rocks or any sort of weight around the edges to hold your pieces together). This will allow your garlic mustard to “cook” in the sun for the season. Once the invasives have decomposed, remove the tarps, spray down with water to clean, or throw them away. Finally, let your decomposed garlic mustard dry out a bit and move it to an inconspicuous place or burn it, if possible (don’t forget to apply for a burn permit!).
Leave it to dry on pavement – spread piles out over pavement until the plants dry out or place in a designated “invasive plant only” pile (with garlic mustard or otherwise) where you dispose of all invasives.
We hope to see you all out there (from a safe distance) to help keep Lincoln clear of invasives! Please feel free to email me or call with any further questions about Garlic Mustard or other invasives control. Thank you and we hope you all stay safe and healthy!
-Written by Emma Coates, Land Manager, Town of Lincoln