This talk is part of a series of public programs on the Lincoln Pollinator Action Plan. Evan Abramson, Principal at LandscapeInteractions and architect of Lincoln’s Plan, will discuss how to create and maintain functionally diverse native pollinator habitat, increase biodiversity and improve the resiliency of landscapes. There will be plenty of time for questions.
Free. All are wlecome.
About the Talk
Wild pollination systems are being degraded rapidly, raising concern over an impending ecological catastrophe. Yet most efforts to create pollinator habitat have only increased common species, rather than the range of wild pollinators needed for ecosystem health and resiliency. We will explore the critical role of plant selection in designing and planning for pollinators on a range of land use scenarios, and take a sneak peak at the new pollinator habitat garden design for Birches School, part of the Lincoln Pollinator Action Plan for 2020-2022. We’ll break down the science behind native plants as well as crop pollination, and explore the crucial role that native pollinators play in biodiversity, ecosystem health, climate resiliency and food security.
About the Speaker
Evan Abramson is a Pollination Systems Designer + Planner at LandscapeInteractions. Drawing on his diverse experience as a regional planner, landscape designer, community organizer, documentary filmmaker and photojournalist, he designs landscapes and regional corridors that build biodiversity and strengthen ecological resilience to a changing climate at the ecosystems level, through the (re)creation of native pollination systems and individual pollinator-plant interactions. A former Land Use + Natural Resources Planner at the Franklin Regional Council of Governments, Evan designed a climate resiliency plan for the Deerfield River Watershed, the first of its kind in the State of Massachusetts. His environmental documentaries have garnered dozens of festival awards, and influenced policy makers across the globe. He holds a Master of Science in Ecological Design from the Conway School of Landscape Design, and is co-author of the Great Barrington Pollinator Action Plan.
About the Project
The Lincoln Pollinator Action Plan: “Planting the Way for Biodiversity and Climate Resilience” is a project developed by the Lincoln Land Conservation Trust in partnership with Evan Abramson of LandscapeInteractions and Dr. Robert Gegear, a professor of biology at UMASS Dartmouth. We propose to create a roadmap for biodiversity and climate resilience across the Town of Lincoln by rebuilding functionally diverse native ecosystems, through site-specific pollinator habitat designs that are based on scientific study. By incorporating multiple Case Study (scientifically researched) sites representing a wide array of land uses, ecological habitats, and aesthetics, Native Plant and Pollinator Toolkits will be developed that can be applied to sites across town, including on conservation, public, and private land, and beyond! Everyone is encouraged to participate along the way by helping to build a pollinator corridor across the town of Lincoln and through citizen science action.