The winter season brings open woods, birds finding berries and visitors like Snowy Owls. In the spring, blossoms open and birds begin nesting. Ruby-throated Hummingbirds join us for the summer. Whatever the season, there are many special moments to capture. Composing a photo involves both observation and understanding of the subject’s behavior as well as being prepared for an unexpected opportunity. In this program Barbara will share what was behind the scenes of some of her favorite images from Lincoln and nearby. She will also demonstrate some of the Photoshop work that goes into editing the image. Photography is a meaningful way to connect with nature and it is her hope that her work encourages others to enjoy, project and preserve habitat for our feathered friends and wildlife.
Barbara Peskin is a local photographer who has exhibited at local libraries and community centers. She writes: “I enjoy the part of the photographic process that plays on the patience to let nature unfold as you observe, listen and watch. I share pictures that come unexpectedly in quiet moments. It is my hope that my moments in nature will inspire you to look for your own magical moments in a beautiful outdoor place.
This is a free, virtual program. All are welcome. Register on EventBrite here. You’ll then receive your confirmation email with the Zoom Meeting Information from EventBrite.