Land and Trails

LLCT helps to manage more than 2,000 acres of land and 80 miles of public trails in partnership with Lincoln’s Conservation Commission. Careful, thoughtful planning and management strategies protect the integrity of the land.

Land Management

Open spaces and natural places are dynamic, living systems that require varying levels of intervention to remain healthy, productive components of the surrounding ecosystem. LLCT, the Conservation Commission, and other partners mow open fields annually to facilitate healthy habitat for a variety of insects and birds, and sometimes undertake restoration projects to enhance the conservation value of the land. Non-native, invasive plant removal at field edges is also a priority for LLCT throughout the year.


Trails are checked regularly by volunteers in the LLCT, Adopt-A-Trail program in partnership with the Conservation Commission. Maintenance occurs regularly to keep the trails safe and passable. The trail work includes removing overgrowth and fallen trees, replacing trail markers, maintaining wooden bridges and crossings, removing non-native, invasive plants, and more.

With every action, fostering a mutual understanding of shared conservation values with landowners, our community partners, our members, and the public is at the forefront of our work.