

Geoff McGean, Executive Director



Bryn Gingrich, Outreach Director



Sara Lupkas, Stewardship Director



Office Phone: 781-259-9251

Office Email: llct@lincolnconservation.org

LLCT/RLF Trustees

Jay Adams, Lincoln MA

Susan Allen, Weston Road

Ken Bassett, Page Road

William G. Constable (LLCT President), Old Lexington Road

Daniel England, Weston Road

Andrew Gnazzo (Vice-Treasurer), Sandy Pond Road

James Henderson, Giles Road

Diana Jong, Giles Road

Bob Mason, Lincoln, MA

Ellen B. Meadors (Treasurer), Beaver Pond Road

Rachel Neurath, Trapelo Road

Micah Remley, Page Road

Paul Shorb (Vice-Chair), South Great Road

Nancy Soulette (Secretary), Woods End Road

Andrew Stevenson (Chair), Page Road

Susan Welsh, Beaver Pond Road


The Board of Trustees runs both LLCT and RLF. All trustees are Lincoln residents and serve on both boards. LLCT Trustees are elected at the Annual Meeting each spring.