Bombus: The Bumblebees of Lincoln
Virtual Bee ID Program filmed by The Natural World
Summer 2020
We are pleased to present a Bumblebee Identification Video as a virtual program. Have you been seeing a lot of bees this summer? As part of LLCT’s Pollinator Action Plan, we’re challenging ourselves and the community to think about functional diversity as well as pollinator abundance.
In the video, you’ll meet seven species of bumblebees that were spotted in Lincoln this summer. Once you’ve learned to identify them, you’ll be able to make your own observations and support ongoing research documenting bumblebee populations in Lincoln.
Heartfelt thanks to Lincoln’s own Norman Levey for his patient and dedicated hours spent filming and identifying bumblebees for this video, and his creative editing of footage into a wonderful virtual workshop!
Watch the Bee ID Video Here.
“Bee-come” a Scientist
As part of LLCT’s Pollinator Action Plan, Dr. Robert Gegear is creating a baseline of Lincoln’s bumblebee populations. Then, he’ll look at how those populations change after habitat enhancements throughout town.
To participate with data collection, you can upload videos to “Beecology”, a web application linked to Dr. Gegear’s bumblebee database. He’ll use your observations in his research. It’s ok if you aren’t 100% sure about a bumblebee ID or plant ID. His research team confirms the ID on every submission.
Community participation in this project is invaluable, so thank you!