The Dark Sky Bill scored a victory a few months ago. The Senate version (S.2147) was voted FAVORABLY out of the Telecommunication, Utilities, and Energy (TUE) Committee and forwarded to the Senate Ways & Means Committee. The House version (H.3306) was retained in TUE with an extension, and a plan to bundle it together with a large environmental omnibus bill.
That TUE extension is set to expire on June 2nd, and there’s no guarantee that either the House or Senate version will survive the legislature’s arduous law-making process. All indications are that the more support, the better, at this crucial juncture — legislators need to know this issue is important to their constituents.
Sample Letters:
1. To Senate Ways and Means Chair Michael Rodrigues,
Dear Chair Rodrigues,
We support protection of the night-time environment for the welfare of wildlife, for human health and safety, and for saving money currently wasted on excess electricity by Massachusetts cities and towns. I write to urge you to report S.2147, the “Dark-Sky Bill”, favorably out of Ways and Means and move it forward to the full Legislature for a vote.
Thank you for your attention,
2. To House TUE Chair Jeffrey Roy,
Dear Chair Roy,
We support protection of the night-time environment for the welfare of wildlife, for human health and safety, and for saving money currently wasted on excess electricity by Massachusetts cities and towns. I write to urge you to report H.3306, the “Dark-Sky Bill”, favorably out of the TUE Committee and move it forward to the full Legislature for a vote.
Thank you for your attention,