On January 12th, 2021, Robin Wilkerson delighted us with photos and stories from her garden. She focused on design elements that bring interest throughout the year and discussed ways to increase the ecological values of the landscape. If you missed the program or would like to revisit one of the topics that Robin covered, the recording is online!
Additionally, the program chat generated a great list of additional plant suggestions. These can be viewed on the recording, and are also listed here for convenience.
Sweet Goldenrod-a well behaved species which likes sunny, dry, gravelly areas
Purple Flowering Raspberry-large leaves, magenta flowers, and no thorns. Likes damp areas and dappled sunlight
White, Red, and Swamp Oaks-although Lincoln has oaks in abundance, one can never go wrong planting an oak tree
Red-twig Dogwood-great winter color!
Sweet Cicely, Wild Bergamot, Mountain Mint, Bayberry, Sweetfern, Wintergreen, and Black Birch all have strong scents or flavors, making them less attractive to deer.