Submissions should be emailed to llct@lincolnconservation.org OR
mail/drop-off a flash drive to the LLCT offices at 145 Lincoln Rd, Suite 102A
It’s that time of year again! We have been delighted by your photographs of Lincoln submitted in the past and we invite you to send us your photos for consideration again.
Please visit our website here to review our project rules and guidelines. We updated these guidelines last year to ask permission up front to use your photographs for purposes of promotion beyond the calendar and note cards. So often we wish to use your wonderful images in our membership brochure, in our eNewsletter, and in other printed and electronic publications, and this gives us an opportunity to showcase as many photographs as we can! Please let us know if you have any questions about the project guidelines.
Funds raised from the sale of the calendar and note cards help fund educational and conservation efforts of the Lincoln Land Conservation Trust and the Rural Land Foundation. We do very much appreciate your artistry and generosity in sharing your photography with us for the benefit of the LLCT/RLF.
We eagerly await your submissions!
Submissions should be sent to llct@lincolnconservation.org
All submissions should be sent following these instructions here.