Call for Photos

Call for Photos


Wednesday, June 26, 2024 - Friday, August 9, 2024    
12:00 am

Event Type

Call for photos for the 2025 Open Spaces Calendar and Nature Note Cards.

Submit your nature photos of Lincoln by August 9th, 2024.

Each year the LLCT/RLF produces the Open Spaces of Lincoln Calendar and Nature Note Cards, which are a stunning showcase of Lincoln’s rural landscapes, abundant wildlife, and recreational activities. All proceeds benefit the conservation, stewardship, and educational activities of the LLCT.

Email submissions to or mail a flash drive to LLCT, PO Box 10, Lincoln MA.

Photographers of all ages and levels are welcome to participate and submit as many photos as they would like.

Photo guidelines:

  • Must be taken in Lincoln, MA.
  • Can be from any year and any season.
  • Should capture the rural and natural landscape, waterways, plants, or wildlife of Lincoln. While eligible, photographs that strongly feature man-made structures and buildings or domesticated animals may not be prioritized.
  • May not be altered or manipulated beyond minor touch ups such as removal of dust, cropping, minor adjustments to color and contrast, and so forth
  • Can be shot as landscape or portrait. Due to aspect-ratio requirements, landscape oriented photos are best suited to monthly pages.
  • JPEG or PNG
  • highest quality possible
  • watermark-free. Photographers will be credited below each photo in the publication

Photo files must follow this naming convention:



This ensure that we attribute photographs correctly. Submissions that do not follow this naming convention will be asked to resubmit photos.



We recommend that photographers submit at least 5 photos. A set of photos with a wide range of seasons and subject matter enables the editors to more easily match great photos with an appropriate month.


Usage Agreement

By submitting your photo to the Lincoln Land Conservation Trust and the Rural Land Foundation (LLCT and RLF), you hereby grant to the LLCT and RLF permission to use your photos in our Open Spaces of Lincoln Calendar and Nature Scenes Note Card series, as well as on our website, in our eNewsletter, on our Facebook page, in our Annual Report and for other print and electronic promotions. All photographs will be credited with the caption “Photo by Person’s Name”


If your photo is selected for the calendar or note cards, you will be notified using the contact information you provide to us in your email and you will receive a complimentary calendar or set of note cards.

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