Eastern Coyotes: Ecology and Behavior

Eastern Coyotes: Ecology and Behavior


Thursday, November 14, 2024    
7:00 pm - 8:30 pm

Event Type

Join LLCT and Jon Way in mid-November to learn about the Eastern Coyote’s ecology and behavior. This is a continuation of LLCT’s efforts in 2024 to provide education about how humans can co-exist with these important predators.

Way will speak about the eastern coyote’s territory size, activity patterns, sociality, denning behavior, and hybridization dynamics. Participants will leave this 1.5hr presentation with a deep understanding of coyote behavior and why these animals are so successful living near people.

This is a free, in-person program. Open to the public. Doors open at 6:45 p.m. The program will take place at the Lincoln Public School Learning Commons, Ballfield Rd, Lincoln MA.

Jonathan (Jon) Way has a B.S. (UMass Amherst), M.S. (UConn Storrs), and doctorate (Boston College) related to the study of eastern coyotes/coywolves. He is the author of numerous books.  Jon founded and runs his organization, Eastern Coyote/Coywolf Research, where his goal is to conduct long-term ecological and behavioral research on eastern coyotes. He also supplements his research with regular trips to Yellowstone National Park and other national parks. Visit Jon’s website here. 

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