July Eco-Garden Tour

July Eco-Garden Tour


Sunday, July 9, 2023    
9:00 am - 11:00 am

Event Type

Join LLCT for an eco-garden tour in North Lincoln.

15 years ago, the Gingrich family planted a mostly native garden in their front yard after Paul took a class at the Native Plant Trust. Over the years, the front garden has filled in and provides year-round interest and value to wildlife.

Since the LLCT launched the Pollinator Action Plan in 2020, the Gingrichs have added two pollinator meadow gardens in the backyard, as well as a variety of native trees and shrubs throughout the property. The garden is an ever evolving work in progress, but many of the pollinator-supporting plants are now well established and particularly robust in mid summer.

Participants will also see the new rain water catchment system and the two vegetable gardens, including some perennial vegetables.

This is a free program but space is limited so registration is required.  Parking information and directions provided to registered participants.

Register here.


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