LLCT Movie Night Series presents “Sky Hunter: The World of the Dragonfly”

LLCT Movie Night Series presents "Sky Hunter: The World of the Dragonfly"


Thursday, March 14, 2019    
7:30 pm - 9:00 pm


Lincoln Land Conservation Trust
145 Lincoln Road, Lincoln, MA, 01773

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Dragonflies existed 90 million years before the first dinosaurs hatched and they are still found all over the world. This documentary follows these predatory monster-larvae with their extra-terrestrial looks as they hover over ponds and pools and inhabit the banks of rivers and streams. Their dazzling metallic colors and unique ways of flying are captured in slow motion photography and their journey in time is documented using remarkably realistic CGI animation. Run time: 50 mins

Following the film, Tom Gumbart, Town Conservation Director and talented insect photographer will share slides of dragonflies we see in Lincoln and environs.

Free. All are welcome. Movie refreshments provided.


Photo by Tom Gumbart. Halloween Pennant.

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