Ring in the New Year with a fundraiser for LLCT featuring live music by The Bob Davoli Band, an open bar, and complimentary hors d’oeuvres with ticket purchase. All funds raised will be generously matched by event hosts Bob Davoli and Eileen McDonagh of Lincoln. All are welcome. Doors open at 5:30 PM and the band begins at 6:00 PM.
Settle into the new year with friends and neighbors by kicking back to some jazz-infused folk music. Relax under soft lighting and enjoy complimentary drinks and food provided by the hosts. Help us raise funds for the conservation, stewardship and education activities of the LLCT through ticket purchases, membership donations, and voluntary participation in fund-raising activities throughout the evening.
2018 LLCT Member Ticket Price: $25/ticket Advance – $35/ticket At the Door Not an LLCT member? Join now!
Non-member Cost: $35/ticket Advance – $45/ticket At the Door)
*Update: Online Tickets Sold Out! Limited tickets available at the door. See you all on Saturday!
Online Ticket Sales Close Friday, January 5th at 11:30 P.M.* Purchase early for the special advance price! Tickets sold at the door on Saturday, January 6th.
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