Avalon Owens returns to Lincoln, MA to lead a firefly walk through one of the fields that she has studied extensively. Participants will meet for a brief (indoor) tutorial on firefly behavior. Then the group will head out to a nearby field.
Avalon Owens holds a PhD in Biology from Tufts University, and has studied fireflies in Lincoln for many years.
Open to all, no experience necessary. We will be walking through fields with tall grass at night. Participants should take all necessary safety precautions against poison ivy, ticks, etc. Only lights with red filters will be used out in the field. If you have a red filter, please bring that. Extra filters will be provided. No dogs, our focus will be on wildlife.
This is a free program, but space is limited so registration is required. Detailed parking directions and more information will be emailed to participants in advance of the walk. Many thanks to Lincoln Town Hall for generously allowing us to use their meeting space for this program.