*due to space limitations, this program is now full. To register for the wait list, visit the Walden Woods Project website.*
Come explore one of the jewels of Lincoln!
Vernal Pools are a critical habitat for salamanders, frogs, beetles, bugs, and more! Join us and see some of the amazing animals that live in this unique and endangered habitat.
This is an annual event co-hosted with the Walden Woods Project (WWP). Matt Burne, WWP Conservation Director and c0-author of A Field Guide to the Animals of Vernal Pools will lead us from the Commuter Parking Lot at the Mall at Lincoln Station onto conservation land to see the vernal pool. We will meet at the end of the Commuter Lot at 145 Lincoln Road (The Mall at Lincoln Station)
Free. All are welcome. Family-friendly.
In case of inclement weather, check online here or call 781-259-9251 for an update. An update will also be posted at www.walden.org.