Join Ron McAdow and Gwyn Loud for this virtual programming on the ins and outs of bird feeding. Gwyn and Ron will answer frequently asked questions such as “why do you feed birds?” and “what birds do you see at your feeders this time of year?” Additionally, Ron and Gwyn will include some favorite and unusual bird sightings at their feeders!
After their remarks, there will be time for questions from participants and conversation. Free. All are welcome. Please register for the program here.
About Ron McAdow
Ron moved from his native state of Illinois to Massachusetts in 1971 and has spent his adulthood living in towns west of Boston, except for two years in Texas. Ron has made films and books for children and has worked to build care for the natural world, as a writer, photographer, and leader of a land trust. Ron authored The Concord, Sudbury, and Assabet Rivers: A Guide to Canoeing, Wildlife, and History, and The Charles River: Exploring Nature and History on Foot and by Canoe. Shortly before he was hired by Sudbury Valley Trustees, Ron set up a nature photography website, the precursor of SVT’s “Nature Sightings.” Ron served as Executive Director of SVT from 2003 – 2013.
Ron published his first novel, Ike, in 2015, and his second, The Grove of Hollow Trees, in 2020. His books for children include How Dragons Got Senses and, to be released in 2021, The Thunderstorm and other Songs.
Ron is a graduate of the University of Chicago. He lives on Farrar Pond in Lincoln with his wife, Betsy Stokey. During their nature-centered travels Ron practices his hobby of photography.
About Gwyn
Gwyn has been birding since she was about 7 and is always learning something new. She’s been feeding birds at her home on Conant Rd. since 1968! Professionally, Gwyn taught science at Tenacre School in Wellesley for years and before that ran the environmental education program in the LPS. Gwyn writes a monthly wildlife column for the Concord Journal and Lincoln Land Conservation Trust. She is a Trustee of LLCT.