A wonderful turnout of 45+ gathered for our first movie night of the 2018 season on Monday, January 22 to watch the incredible videography of “Earthflight” (North America). Following the film, Dr. Vin Durso engaged the audience with scientific information about how birds actually migrate using such navigation tools as the earth’s magnetic fields, landmarks, the stars, and even smells! He then talked about some of the migrating birds we see here in Lincoln at Ricci Fields (Bobolink, Indigo Bunting, Tree Sparrow and Wilson’s Snipe), Twin Pond/Beaver Pond (Black Pol Warbler, Black-throated Blue Warbler, Scarlet Tanager, Wood Thrush), and Flint’s Pond (Osprey, Wood Duck, Lesser Yellowlegs, Common Loon). Thank you, Vin!