Sponsor the LLCT’s Scarecrow Classic 5k, one of the most popular races in the metro west area, attracting more than 600 participants each year! A beautiful road and trail race through Lincoln, MA on October 20, 2024, this event benefits the Lincoln Land Conservation Trust and our conservation mission.
Sponsors like you make our work possible! In appreciation of your generous support, we provide a host of options to advertise and acknowledge your business on our shirts, banners, website, etc.
Please complete the Sponsor Form below. If you are giving at the Patron or above level, please email a high res, color logo to llct@lincolnconservation.org for us to use on promotional materials. If you have questions, email us at llct@lincolnconservation.org.
Sponsorship Options
Sunflower Sponsor $2,500+
This sponsor level gives all the perks of Lead Sponsorship and these additional opportunities: Logo at top of race shirt, special sunflower banner displayed before, during, and after the race, and exclusive branding on race packets/race bib.
Lead Sponsor $1000+
Full color logo on advertising banner, large logo on race shirts, logo on race website (www.scarecrowclassic5k.com), logo on a scarecrow (prominently displayed along race course), logo on website and in email promotions before and after the race, logo on finish line banner.
Major Sponsor $500+
Full color logo on advertising banner, medium logo on race shirts, logo on race website, logo on sign at race start line, logo on website and in email promotions before and after the race.
Patron Sponsor $250+
Logo on a mile marker, logo on race shirts, name on website and in email promotions to race participants before and after the race.
Supporting Sponsor $100+
Name on race shirts and name on website.
All sponsors will be listed on a 4×6 foot sign board which is prominently displayed before and after the race at the Mall at Lincoln Station.
Lincoln Land Conservation Trust is a 501(c)3 non-profit. All donations are tax deductible. Non profit tax ID number 04-6042565