Our second video on how to manage the invasive plant garlic mustard is published! In the first video we saw the plant at its first stage of growth, and in this second video we see how the rosette has formed a stalk and the plant is about to flower. Jane Layton demonstrates how to pull the plant by the root and dispose of it in a paper bag to prevent the plant from re-establishing.
The pulling of garlic mustard in Lincoln is an annual event coordinated by LLCT and the Conservation Commission to control the aggressive spread of this non-native, invasive plant that threatens Lincoln’s fields, woods, conservation land and neighborhoods. Further information about garlic mustard is posted on the Town Conservation Department’s website here.
Neighborhood pull season officially runs from April 25 through May 31. Free paper leaf bags are available at the LLCT office and Conservation office at Town Hall. Bags are provided courtesy of the Lincoln Garden Club. Please use these paper bags, as they can be composted with the garlic mustard inside them.