Thank you for being part of community efforts to remove garlic mustard.
Pull on your own
Free paper bags are available from the Lincoln Conservation Department and LLCT Offices, starting in mid-April. Paper bags will be distributed from the transfer station on Wednesday April 16th and Saturday May 3rd from 10am-12pm.
Drop off
Paper bags (PAPER ONLY) can be dropped off at the Lincoln DPW (30 Lewis Street). Drive behind the building and leave bags in the designated bay at the base of the cell tower. Do not leave bags in the large brush pile. The DPW is open M-F 7:30am-3pm
Join a Pop Up Pull Day
Lincoln Conservation and LLCT are organizing volunteer work days on conservation land around town. All work days are from 1-3pm.
- Friday April 18th
- Thursday May 1st
- Thursday May 15th
- Friday May 30th
- Friday June 6th
Email Ryan Brown at to sign up for a workday(s).
Garlic Mustard Fact Sheet (PDF)
Pulling Garlic Mustard (Videos)