
Gifts in service of nature and community are a legacy worth leaving. The LLCT was founded and managed by volunteers for more than 50 years. Today, in coordination with paid staff, volunteers continue to be the engine of the organization from our Board of Trustees to our stewardship volunteers.

LLCT volunteers generously share their time, skills, and expertise in ways that are personally meaningful and organizationally impactful. In return, we hope to provide opportunities to acquire broader skills, gain more knowledge, and make lasting community connections.

Thank you for your interest in volunteering with us! Your gift of service benefits our whole community by preserving and protecting the rural character of Lincoln.

Submit a Volunteer Inquiry

We invite you to indicate your interest in the available below by providing some basic information. We will confirm receipt of your inquiry, and will contact you with more specific information.

Volunteer Job Descriptions

Bluebird Box Monitoring

LLCT’s long-time bluebird box monitor is retiring, so we are looking for someone to train with her and take over for the 2025 season. The nest box monitor will aim to visit the 10 boxes about 2x per week from May through July, observing Bluebird and Tree Swallow activity. This is a great opportunity for a volunteer(s) looking for an independent activity and who loves birdwatching. Most of the boxes are located in Chapman Pasture, off of Old Winter Street, so this is a particularly convenient role for anyone who lives in the neighborhood. Depending on the volunteer’s availability and if multiple volunteers are interested, the visiting schedule can be flexible. Volunteers receive training and support from LLCT.

Beyond Bluebird Box Monitoring, interested birders who want to help conduct bird population surveys should also check this option.

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Pollinator Project

LLCT maintains six pollinator sites around Lincoln with both staff and volunteer support. Volunteers assist with the spring plant sale, participate in planting days, and can sign up to help with regular watering/weeding at sites and  join for organized work days. This is a great opportunity for volunteers to work with other like-minded conservationists, help with light gardening work, and enjoy the summer blooms at LLCT’s sites. Volunteers can also help take photos and document plant-pollinator interactions at the sites. This can be a regular weekly opportunity in the summer or a 1-2x per year commitment.

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Stewardship Work Days/Trail Maintenance

LLCT and LCD organize monthly conservation work days. Join the group and work with others to manage invasive plants around Town. Trained volunteers can also reach out to LLCT to organize an independent invasive plant management project. Additional opportunities for trail maintenance, including bridge building are communicated to stewardship volunteers on an ad hoc basis. Please also check this option if you are looking for a project for an organized group to complete.

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Scarecrow Classic 5k

This annual event takes place in mid-October. Volunteers help with race preparations on Saturday and race-day activities on Sunday. In general, opportunities include trail-marking, event set-up and break-down, registration staff, parking attendants, course directors, photographers, and food and water station assistants. This opportunity works well for an individual or an organized group.

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 Walk and Talk Leaders

Do you have a special interest or topic knowledge? LLCT is looking for volunteers who can lead trail walks or are interested in participating in LLCT’s winter zoom series. Past topics include deep dives into flora and fauna, history and natural history, or anything related to conservation land in Lincoln. Please let us know what you are interested in sharing with the community.

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Photography or Videography

Volunteers who are professionals or experienced amateurs in taking pictures, or recording and editing video content are invaluable. Our story is best told through images. Whether we are capturing an event, or looking for a nature picture of Lincoln, we can use your help. We ask that you be willing to release your images or video content for the purpose of promotion, display, exhibition, or editorial use. We use photos on our website, Facebook page, eNewsletter, Annual Report, in brochures, advertising for events, and so forth. We always give photo credit. This volunteer opportunity works well for an individual or entity willing to release their materials to the LLCT and the RLF in support of conservation activities. Volunteers coordinate their work with the LLCT staff and the time commitment varies.

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LLCT welcomes both individual and groups of volunteers. Whether you would like to volunteer one time or if you want to make a continuing commitment, we would like to know more about you!

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Volunteer Opportunities
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