LLCT volunteers generously share their time, skills, and expertise in ways that are personally meaningful and organizationally impactful. In return, we hope to provide opportunities to acquire broader skills, gain more knowledge, and make lasting community connections.
Thank you for your interest in volunteering with us! Your gift of service benefits our whole community by preserving and protecting the rural character of Lincoln.
LLCT is building capacity for expanding our volunteer base. We invite you to indicate your interest in the available below by providing some basic information. We will confirm receipt of your inquiry, and will contact you with more specific information.
Pollinator Initiative: Habitat Hero
Volunteers participate in planting plugs and shrubs, and ongoing maintenance activities. Duties may include field edge clearing, invasive species management, weeding, watering, and collecting seed once plants are established. Individuals or groups are led by LLCT staff or trained stewardship volunteers. Collaboration with Lincoln’s Conservation Department staff or other partner organizations sometimes occurs. This opportunity works well for an individual or an organized group, such as a company outing, a faith-based group, a social group or club, or for organized youth groups, such as scouts or school groups.
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Pollinator Initiative: Citizen Scientist
Volunteers digitally collect and submit ecological data on native pollinator species using
The Beecology Project’s smartphone and web apps. The app guides users through an easy sequence of steps to identify bumblebee species and how to submit pictures to the database. In addition to learning about bumblebees,
participants will be contributing directly to the scientific work being done in Lincoln! Participants will be provided with an orientation led by LLCT staff, or trained Beecologist volunteers. This opportunity works well for an individual, family, or an organized group, such as environmental-based group or club, or faith-based group, or for organized youth groups, such as scouts or school groups.
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Pollinator Initiative: Adopt-A-Case Study Site
Volunteers are assigned to a Case Study (scientifically researched) site in the Lincoln Pollinator Action Plan project. They may at times submit reports to the LLCT staff; for example, following a major weather event, we may ask groups to check on the condition of sites, help clean up sites, and report back any issues that require expert attention or special equipment. Duties include observing site conditions, recording maintenance needs, and performing stewardship activities, such as field edge clearing, invasive species management, weeding, watering, and collecting seed once plants are established. Volunteers are provided with an orientation led by LLCT staff. This opportunity works well for an individual, family, or an organized group, such as a company outing, a faith-based group, a social group or club, or for organized youth groups, such as scouts or school groups.
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Volunteers are assigned to a trail or a portion of a trail, and they submit reports to the LLCT staff. Duties include observing trail conditions, recording maintenance needs, and possibly performing light trail maintenance, such as moving branches off of a trail and clipping encroaching brush. Volunteers are provided with a brief orientation and reference guide. This opportunity works well for an individual or for friends who frequent a particular trail together, or even a family.
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Stewardship Work Days
Volunteers participate in trail work or land management activities. Duties may include clearing, trail marking, removal of fallen trees, redirection of an existing trail, construction of a new trail, bridge maintenance, field edge clearing and invasive species management. Groups are led by LLCT staff or trained trail volunteers. Collaboration with Lincoln’s Conservation Department staff or other partner organizations sometimes occurs. This opportunity works well for an individual or an organized group, such as a company outing, a religious group, a social group or club, or for organized youth groups, such as scouts or school groups.
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Scarecrow Classic 5k
This annual event takes place in mid-October. Volunteers help with race preparations on Saturday and race-day activities on Sunday. In general, opportunities include trail-marking, event set-up and break-down, registration staff, parking attendants, course directors, photographers, and food and water station assistants. This opportunity works well for an individual or an organized group.
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Leading Walks
Volunteers often lead our educational nature walks. They are professionals or amateurs with specific knowledge of local flora and/or fauna. Guides may lead a group of 6-12 participants, imparting interesting and factual information on a particular topic, and answering questions from participants. An LLCT staff member or trustee frequently accompanies the group. We are also interested in volunteers who may wish to share a particular skill such as nature photography, painting, journaling or other expertise. This opportunity works well for an individual who is comfortable with public speaking and who can address general, but often sophisticated questions.
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Photography or Videography
Volunteers who are professionals or experienced amateurs in taking pictures, or recording and editing video content are invaluable. Our story is best told through images. Whether we are capturing an event, or looking for a nature picture of Lincoln, we can use your help. We ask that you be willing to release your images or video content for the purpose of promotion, display, exhibition, or editorial use. We use photos on our website, Facebook page, eNewsletter, Annual Report, in brochures, advertising for events, and so forth. We always give photo credit. This volunteer opportunity works well for an individual or entity willing to release their materials to the LLCT and the RLF in support of conservation activities. Volunteers coordinate their work with the LLCT staff and the time commitment varies.
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LLCT welcomes both individual and groups of volunteers. Whether you would like to volunteer one time or if you want to make a continuing commitment, we would like to know more about you!