Beaver Pond is a beautiful north-south running conservation area filled with ponds, wetlands, forests, and meadows. Historically, the entire area was extensively used for farming: the wetlands were dammed and ditched for hay, and the upland areas were used for pasture and woodlots. Jean Wood Preston, the wife of then LLCT president Bill Preston, gave Beaver Pond and surrounding land to the LLCT. Twin Pond was a gift to the LLCT from the Pertzhoff family. LLCT and RLF fundraised to purchase the surrounding private parcels. Stony Brook is part of the Charles River Watershed, and funding from the Town of Lincoln, City of Cambridge, and the Commonwealth of Massachusetts were used to protect this important water resource.
Suggested Route
Park at the Route 117 parking lot on the Lincoln/Weston line. The parking lot is unpaved. From the Route 117 parking lot, take the smaller trail to the left to see Twin Pond. Continue north along the pond for a lovely view. Return to the main trail and continue north to cross Stony Brook on the cement bridge. Where the trail splits, a left will bring you to Tower Road and a right meets up with the Beaver Pond trails, which can also be accessed via Weston Road. A round-trip walk from Route 117 to Beaver Pond is approximately 2.5 miles.
Parking is available in the gravel parking lot on the north side of Route 117 at the Weston/Lincoln town line.Parking: Ample
There are trail connections with Browning Fields to the north and Umbrello to the west.Difficulty

- Walking
- Hiking
- Birding
- Wildlife Viewing