Find out why birders love early mornings in spring as you learn to identify birds by sight and song, and explore some birding “hot spots” in Lincoln. Join us for any or all of the walks in this four part series on Sundays April 22, April 29, May 6 and May 13 from 7:30 to 9:30 AM. Free. All are welcome.
April 22. Harrington and Twin Pond trails (Stony Brook South). Park in the turnout on Rte. 117 on the Weston town line.
April 29. Lindentree Farm and fields behind St. Anne’s Church. Park on Old Concord Road near the Mt. Misery kiosk.
May 6. Baker Bridge Fields. Park at the Food Project on Rte 126.
May 13. Ricci Fields. Park along Bedford Road close to Rte 2A. Look for the Ricci Fields sign.
At least two of the following local birding experts will lead each walk: Vin Durso, Nancy Hammond, Norman Levey, Gwyn Loud, and Nancy Soulette.
Dress for weather conditions, including wet grass and cool early morning temperatures. Please bring binoculars, if you have them!
Walks will not take place if it is raining. Call the LLCT’s general line at 781-259-9251 after 6AM the morning of the walk for direction.