A warm thank you to the Lincoln community for a wonderful Earth Day celebration!
Many volunteers turned out to help LLCT and Town Conservation Staff clean up Lincoln’s roadsides.
In the afternoon, community members gathered at Lincoln Station for tabling and fun activities. LLCT and Town Conservation handed out Serviceberry Seedlings to promote native planting around Lincoln. The Tack Room provided lemonade. Farrington Nature Linc, after helping with the morning clean up, offered mint tea and a family-friendly nature scavenger hunt. The Lincoln Garden Club and the Green Energy Committee set up a table sharing information about native gardening and electrifying homes, respectively.
LLCT handed out packets with Self-heal pollinator seeds, while Town Conservation set up the Enviroscape Model, which is a fun tool for learning about wetlands. Mothers Out Front had a “seed bomb” activity with native pollinator seeds. The Lincoln Climate Action Plan was accepting fun “post it note” ideas to be incorporated into the plan. Lastly, Corey and Tom Flint shared information about Matlock Farm and the Lincoln Farmer’s Market.