Twin Pond Conservation Project

Join RLF and Neighbors to Save this Critical Trail Connection and Wildlife Corridor

If this land is not protected, it will likely be developed and the trail will be eliminated. Pledge today to support the Twin Pond Conservation Project. Pledges are needed by May 14th, 2021 and can be made over a period of three years. Donations are tax deductible and can be made by marketable securities. Pledge forms can be printed and mailed back to RLF, P.O. Box 10, Lincoln, MA. Alternatively, pledge forms can be returned via email to 

Additionally, if you attend Lincoln’s Town Meeting on May 15th, vote YES to approve CPA funding for this project.


Project Brochure (PDF)

Pledge Form (PDF)


The Rural Land Foundation (RLF) has the opportunity to acquire two parcels for permanent conservation with a combined 7.8 acres of forested land, pond frontage, and wetland habitat.

The protection of these parcels would preserve an important at-risk trail connecting the Twin Pond Lane neighborhood and the adjacent Stony Brook South and Beaver Pond Conservation Areas.

By conserving this land, a critical wildlife corridor will be strengthened and important pond edge and wetland habitats will gain additional protection. Additionally, a scenic buffer between Twin Pond Lane, Tower Road, and existing conservation trails will be maintained. Preservation of this land will also enhance watershed protection for the Cambridge Reservoir. Both parcels are identified as land of conservation interest on the 2017 Town of Lincoln Open Space and Recreation Plan.


Project Proposal:

Conserve the entirety of the Northern Lot: approx. 3.11 acres. This lot is buildable but currently undeveloped. There is a vernal pool on the lot and its conservation would protect important wildlife habitat, as well as scenic vistas from Tower Road and Twin Pond Lane.  Project Goal: Permanent conservation of the parcel.

Conserve the entirety of the Southern Lot: approx. 4.68 acres. This lot is likely buildable but currently undeveloped. The trail connecting Twin Pond Lane and the wider trail network is at-risk. Conservation of this parcel would protect the immediate pond edge habitat and preserve a wildlife corridor to adjacent conserved lands. Preservation of the parcel will also preserve scenic vistas from Twin Pond Lane. Project Goal: Permanent conservation of the parcel and a permanent trail easement for the existing trail.

Proposed Financing:

Assessed Value $1,800,000
Landowner Contribution $1,000,000
RLF/LLCT $200,000
City of Cambridge $200,000
Town/CPA Request $200,000
Neighborhood Fundraising Request $200,000*

*Neighbors have already pledged nearly $150,000 towards the $200,000 goal. But we still need the community’s support to fund this conservation project, so pledge today!



Example of wildlife whose habitat will be conserved through this project: