2017 Annual Report is Now Available

Hard copies are available at the LLCT and RLF office at 145 Lincoln Road, Suite 102 A (above the Post Office), or on our website under “Publications.”

2018 LLCT Annual Meeting Highlights

More than 75 trustees, members and friends gathered at the beautiful Flint Hall at St. Anne’s in-the-Fields for a lovely spring evening affair. Rand Wentworth gave an inspirational and hopeful talk about about our country’s practices of land preservation and environmental action from past to present. Wentworth was introduced by trustee, Andy Falender, and both … Read more

Spring Birding at Ricci Farm: What We Saw and Heard

Bird List from Ricci Farm-May 13, 2018 7:30-9:30 AM Thank you to Norm Levey for leading this walk. Where a bird was only heard, its name is followed by (h).  Possibly one or two of these were only heard or seen by a leader. Many more birds were heard and identified by Norm, but were … Read more

Slow Down! Turtles Crossing on Rt. 126 in Lincoln

From mid-may to early July, turtles are on the roads and we currently have a population that is moving across Rt. 126 near Old Concord Road and Joey’s Auto Garage. Kindly slow down, and if you can safely do so, please avoid hitting the turtles. The large wetland on one side and the ponds on the … Read more

Third Garlic Mustard Video Published

LLCT has published a third video on how to extract and dispose of garlic mustard. We are joined in this video by Stacy, Tim, and Jen of Lincoln’s Conservation Department. They have been pulling the invasive plant around town and we join them at the Muster Field on May 10th to remove garlic mustard from … Read more

Thank you Grace Chapel and Community Volunteers!

On Saturday, May 5 a group of volunteers from Grace Chapel and the wider community joined Buzz Constable, LLCT board president, for an annual garlic mustard pull in Flint Fields. The group worked its way methodically around the perimeter of the field pulling and bagging plants. The progress of past efforts was apparent and encouraging, … Read more

Spring Birding at Baker Bridge Fields: What we saw and heard

Bird List from Baker Bridge Fields 18-05-06  (37 sp) Thank you to Nancy Soulette and Nancy Hammond for leading this walk. Nancy S. has written some of the bird sounds below, particularly the ones we talked about a lot, first hearing them then trying to find them,  so these sounds are in parentheses.  Where a … Read more

Second Garlic Mustard Video Published

Our second video on how to manage the invasive plant garlic mustard is published! In the first video we saw the plant at its first stage of growth, and in this second video we see how the rosette has formed a stalk and the plant is about to flower. Jane Layton demonstrates how to pull … Read more