New Year's Bash to Benefit LLCT
Ring in the New Year with a fundraiser for LLCT featuring live music by The Bob Davoli Band, an open bar, and complimentary hors d’oeuvres [...]

LLCT Movie Night Series presents "Earthflight" (North America)
Soar with birds and see the world from their point of view! Producer John Downer and his team took four years to film the full, [...]

CANCELLED - Codman North/Farm Meadow Mindfulness Walk with John Calabria
John is ill and we will reschedule this walk, likely for June. Please check back here for further details. Our March 6 walk is still [...]

Mindfulness Walks in Nature on the First Tuesdays through June
June 5th Walk Postponed. The last walk has been rescheduled to next Tuesday, June 12th at 1pm at Bergen-Culver. Sponsored with Lincoln's Council on Aging, [...]

LLCT Movie Night Series presents "A Sloth Named Velcro"
Extend your Valentine's Day celebration and come witness a love story between a young journalist, named Ana Salceda from Spain, and her chance encounter with a [...]

Adams Woods Mindfulness Walk with John Calabria
Join us for this next walk in the series at Adams Woods for a gently paced walk through nature guided by John Calabria. Unplug, disconnect [...]

LLCT Movie Night Presents: You Choose the Movie!
We had such a great "tern"-out for Earthflight (North America) that we've decided to reprise! But we need your input! Check out our blog post to vote [...]

LLCT Movie Night presents "Earthflight" (South America)
Soar with the birds of South America. Get a bird's-eye view as condors and scarlet macaws take us to the Andes and the Amazon. Giant [...]

Stony Brook South Mindfulness Walk with John Calabria
Join us for this next walk in the series on the Harrington/Twin Pond trails at Stony Brook South for a gently paced walk through nature [...]

Special Woodcock Walk
Norman Levey, Lincoln resident and local naturalist, will lead this special walk. Norm sighted woodcocks at Baker Bridge Fields, North earlier this week and we [...]